Author: admin

About the Apex Platform The Apex Platform is a reform convened by the Office of the President as a high level oversight forum for uptake, learning and Executive Decision-making  to foster transparency, accountability and promotion of goods and the promotion of good governance practices in the delivery of Services to Citizens. The Apex platform is Designed to facilitate oversight implementation of the third National Development Plan (NDP III) and subsequent NDPs, the ruling part manifesto and the Presidential directives DOWNLOAD FULL DIRETIVES REPORT

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This Report is in fulfilment of Objective XIV and XII (General Social and Economic Objectives) of the National Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (as amended), that obliges the State to ensure Equitable Provision of Public Services to the Citizenry. Of recent, there has been growing outcry from the Citizenry on Public Service Delivery Breakdown. This Report therefore, presents the status of Public Service Delivery in Uganda. The Report was focused on ten sectors namely;Education, Health, Agriculture, Justice Law and Order, Lands Housing and Urban Development,Energy and Mineral Development, Works…

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Pursuant to Article 98 and Article 99 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Uganda, on 23 rd. June, 2016 issued 23 Strategic Guidelines and Directives (Annex II) to the Cabinet as Priority Focus Areas and the Minimum Action Program for Uganda to attain the Middle-Income Status by 2020. They were also intended to guide and drive the Implementation of the NDPII (2016 – 2020) and NRM Manifesto (2016- 2021). However, the Overall Implementation Performance of the Directives did not deliver the 2020 Middle Income Status target. As a…

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Together with the Minister of Economic Monitoring Hon. Akello Beatrice Akori and ISO are on a monitoring exercise which commenced on Monday in Bukedi Sub-region to ensure that gov’t projects are being implemented and are beneficial to the residents. Among the 10 districts to be monitored, the team started with Tororo District and Municipality and checked on projects including Maliri PDM SACCO in Merikiti Sub-County where 121 persons have benefitted with 95 receiving UGX1M each and 26 receiving UGX500,000 each. The other projects visited are the Upgrade of Kamuli Health II to III where the team observed the absconding &…

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Soroti Dst LG officials have been tasked to ensure proper usage of public funds in the implementation of the different gov’t projects and programs. The joint call was made by officials from our directorate ,ISO & SHAU, who are in the DLG for an Economic Monitoring exercise. During a joint meeting, it was discovered that despite the interventions put in place to ensure Socio and economic development of the Soroti District Local gov’t there are also challenges being encountered which have failed the implementation or success of some Gov’t programs.

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The oversight results report on the 23 strategic guidelines and directives is at end of December 2021 and it doesn’t reflect the changes that have taken place since janury to May 2022. However I recocgonise developments that have been going on in a number of MDA’s with respct of implementation to these directives. For instance payment of the Kasiimo was launched, Production licences were signed, the minerals bill was passed by parliament, the sugar bill was also passed by parliament and is yet to be assented to by you your excellency. We see a number of recruitments taking place in…

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